Honestly, I smoked pot every single day several times a day for over ten years from like 16-27 and I recently stopped because of the demotivational effects it has on a lot of its users. But after using it every single day for over a decade with only two or three brief periods of abstinence, the longest being only a month during that period, I was able to simply quit without any negative side effects or any forms of withdrawal. I still haven’t smoked since I quit, and it has been offered to me since I quit and I didn’t even have a hard time saying “no” to the opportunity. I’ve taken classes on neuropsychopharmacology and, by the very definition of addiction, marijuana is not an addictive drug. The rate at which THC is metabolized from the average human body is too slow to experience withdrawal symptoms that can be considered actual withdrawal, especially when compared to the vast majority of other drugs. The point is, marijuana affects different people differently. I know plenty of people who make six figures and smoke super dank bud every single day several times a day and raise good, wholesome children and are about as conservative and intelligent and intellectual as they come, and I know people who smoke who are dumb leftist faggot weed culture idiots. I also know people who have never smoked and are complete idiots who don’t even have the potential to have a high paying career, and people who have never smoked (at least they claim) who make over six figures. Pot didn’t work for me after so many years, but when I first started as a teenager, it helped me get over my anxiety, it helped me realize that society should not dictate my self confidence and my tastes in things or my opinions, it grew my interest in academic and intellectual pursuits and caused me to question everything I was taught which ultimately led to me being as far right as I am now, which is farther right than virtually anyone I know. But eventually it caused me to lose interest and motivation in things I loved, which is why I quit. All of these articles are nonsense. The real danger with pot use is the danger of finding complacency in boredom. Pot makes everything more fun and interesting, and after so long of that, doing nothing is as interesting and fun as you care to experience so you start doing less and less, and caring less and less, and even things you once found incredibly stimulating even when stoned out of your mind become stale and pointless. At least for me. Marijuana is a naturally occurring plant all over the earth, and it affects everyone differently. But this utter nonsense that it’s a terrible drug on the same par as heroin or cocaine is absolute intellectual fraud and ahould be ridiculed into nonexistence just like feminism and leftism. Aside from the eventual demotivation, the other big problem is pot culture retards who ruin it for everyone else. Almost everyone I know and associate with either has smoked pot or still does regularly, and they’re pretty much all either conservative to some degree or just as fashy and far right as I am, and pot isn’t a tremendous part of who they are but a vice through which they can cope with the misery of the modern world without turning their livers to stone or snapping from the constant weight of leftist degeneracy.

TL;DR, people need to either educate themselves or shut the fuck up, because I’ve spent over a decade using pot and have quit for my own reasons and this kind of shit only serves to make right wingers look like ignorant moralist retards that say, “smokin the reefer is bad mmkay!”
