To be honest with you, there aren’t much accomplishments in my life that I am proud to say out loud on the Internet. However, if there is one feat of mine that I am particularly proud of, it has to be the time I beat the video game adaptation of my favorite anime, “Cory in the House.” I controlled Cory-san’s movements nimbly, and I still remember pressing the x, y, a, and b buttons my DS to master the delicate expertise of the game’s stealth mechanics. I liked the game so much that I want the game’s ost played during my funeral. I currently have 2718 hours of play time, expecting to expand it even more. I am proud to say that I am a Cory in the House “ota-weaboo-busta-sensei,” a term that I came up with myself that I feel is the only way to describe the epitome of my achievements. Reddit, you heard it here. I am the pinnacle. I am the unbreakable. I am the unstoppable. I am your ota-weaboo-busta-sensei.