Attention everyone, i have an announcement to make, i honestly hate faggots, i believe they should be mass murdered and brutally killed and have everything taken from them, faggots deserve nothing, homosexuality is a sin, for indulging in sin they deserve to be punished severely, the world accepts this bullshit for no god damn reason, if anything this is just insanity, we all need to fix this damn planet, it’s gone insane since COVID hit, regardless, i personally believe all faggots should die, i really wish everyone held this same ideology but mostly Everyone has been brainwashed by these fucking pedophiles, and now they only believe what those faggots spoon feed them, there is FUCKING FOOTAGE, OF THESE FAGGOTS WALKING NAKED IN FRONT OF CHILDREN. And in the comment sections you got more faggots defending them, saying “Walking naked Infront of children won’t harm them, it’s healthy.” HEALTHY? HEALTHY FOR WHAT? This is too far, the Faggots are threatening to groom the children, they want to turn them into them, people who cannot distinguish reality from delusion, people who can’t accept the sex they were born as, it’s pathetic, and disgusting, kill these fucking PEDOPHILES NOW!