O-oh my, the Howocaust.. it’s a v-veeeewy vewy sad stowy, i-it’s weawwy scawy and gwoomie… 😢

The Howocaust happened duwing W-Wowwd Waw II, and it’s when m-millions of Jewish peopwe and othew g-groups the Nazi weawwy didn’t wike, wewwe kiwwed…it was weawwy bad…😭😭 The nazis w-wewwe vewy mean, and they weawwy h-hated these peopwe…😞

Aww of this happened undew a m-man named Adowf Hitwew. He was the w-weader of Nazi Gewmany at the time. He o-owdered the detwuction of six million Jewish peopwe. They wewwe pwaced in ghettos and then t-taken to pwaces cawwed concentration camps…😰😰

The concentration camps wewwe v-very vewy scawy pwaces. Peopwe wewwe twated vewy bad, dey didn’t get enough food, dey wewwe sick and cold. Dey had to wowk weawwy hawd and if dey didn’t, the n-nazis wewwe weawwy mean to them.😱😱

A-and then… many peopwe wewwe sent to things cawwed gas chambews… dey thought dey wewe going to take showews, but… *sniffles* dey wewwe kiwwed thewe…🥺🥺

Aftew the war, the wowwd w-was sh-shocked to find out what happened. It w-was weawwy twagic… And even now, peopwe wemembew the Howocaust as a weawwy dawk time in histowy…😔😔

I-it’s impowtant to wemembew so that such a bad thing nevew happens again… we need to be kind to each othew and c-cawe fow each othew… >w<

I hope I didn’t make you too sad… n-nya~ uwu 🐾🐾