Hello everyone, I am a transgender strict-vegan yoga instructor activist who is gender-fluid as well (I am a man in the morning and after I go to the bathroom I am a female again, during the day I can be any of the 999999999999999999+ genders, depending on the wind) and I wanted to see where I could get some grass to eat, it only has to be organic and it has had to be stepped on by a dog in one point of its grass life, I can also eat tree leaves so if you recommend any good ones I can try them. I have lived in California all my life but it got really expensive and my gender studies degree isn’t paying off, so I moved to Austin to promote my Instagram influencer and model page, they say there is a lot of things to do here that I can take advantage of. Also, how do I move around the city? There are only a few major freeways/highways and they’re always packed as shit, I feel that there’s too many people, due to traffic I usually miss my pubic hair weaving class, please someone tell TecksDot to fix the roads, thank you for being so supportive! If I even make it to the class, I can’t find parking anywhere, omg build several stories of parking please.

Btw, if you disagree with anything I just said, you are a bigot, phobic, and a piece of trash who mansplains, and I will sue your sorry ass. Thanks and have a nice day, love you all! <3