Hi, my name is Crystal. And as you can probably tell from this confusing title, I have a few words I’d like to express about the state of PMDA, What I think the community should aspire to be, and a more warning from myself to the PMDA leaders. This will all be put into 3 parts: So I hope you enjoy them before 2018 ends.

Before I begin, please understand that this is my ///SUBJECTIVE/// opinion of what’s happening in PMDA and will not be naming anyone in the post that I will reference. If one of them is you… then don’t throw a hissy fit or PM me and tell me stupid and dumb I am, or to the others who read this… don’t even bother with harassing them, MOST of them are just genuine people who are working to do what they expertise in. And a few of them are either people who make art or are friends with me. So if you know WHO you are… have fun trying to argue with me. I’m kinda done.

Let us begin with this descend down into the rabbit hole.

From the time when I first started to post my real content to somewhere along the line where this three-part thing ends.. there has always been a thing that bugged me and annoyed me about PMDA: The fact that very specific people here were… well, “SOO” popular that they can just post whatever kind of shit they want and milk it for likes, while some people work effortlessly to make something they try REALLY hard at making and… what? 20 likes? Maybe 1-2 comments that say ‘Good job’?

The lack of… well, much of diversity here and the overwhelming majority of people here who have at least half a brain here is quite astonishingly high, since there is… very little in many things that happen in PMDA that had a unique twist on things. And no; I am not saying that a big Roleplay group or guild or such do not count as much as they should… but there’s very little things here that feel pretty dang different than the usual stuff here. Somebody makes an OC… cool. Somebody posted a stupid… eh? Somebody did art. *GAAAAAAAASP*

Basically, without bearing to much around the bush at this point: The ‘greatest’ of the Amino thrive and get all the likes and comments they so wish and even may have power over others in a certain aspect… and the rest of the Amino who are content creators just… just kinda die off.

That’s not even the worst part about this… predicament. No, the biggest thing that I have to say about this Amino is.. the fact that those specific kind of people have said some stuff that I specifically think is not only kind of heart-breaking, but also kind of something that I generally just… hate to bring up, since I know it’s bound to have someone who’s related to it pop up and be all like: “What’s going on?”. And while they don’t care as much, I just… kind of see it as bad.

The fact they want to be the face of PMD, the ‘This is what you should work up too’.

Where do I even begin with this dang argument? I get it, if you want to be the face of PMDA or at least try to. But just… kinda don’t even try. And I know this all probably sounds like personal garbage which isn’t fun for anyone, but do heed my words and at least understand my reasoning.

Being the face of PMDA means you are basically being told that being like you…is the status quo. If you’re brutally honest and kind of a dirtbag, then you’re basically saying to be a brutally honest dirt-bag. If you’re a nervous artist who doesn’t like criticism, you’re saying to be a nerve-wracking artist who doesn’t like critiques at all. You’re basically putting both GOOD AND BAD attributes about yourself on this damn Amino of ‘Be like me! Know everything ABOUT ME, so you can mimic me!’

At some point after my yearly anniversary, I will continue this and hopefully prove my point is at-least something to note and maybe use in the argument against aminos and it’s need to JUST be art-related so people can do stuff around here… and maybe, to inspire new people to be more realistic about the aminos they’re in. Nothing wrong with being cartoony and happy, but remembering that this is REAL is key.

Now, at the top of this page, I left a small note to the people who were possibly mentioned vaguely by this shouldn’t feel like I’m trying to make fun of them or bitch them. I am, indeed, not perfect and have done and said things I still hated saying so many months ago. Hell, I still feel bad that Crystal’s first design was something people didn’t enjoy. But I am saying that you can improve, I’m just using examples to show a point.

And to the people who want to be a face of PMDA… drop it and do what you do best. Don’t strive to be the face of PMDA. You are going to die or leave PMDA or get bored of trying to do that before you do, and I’m just saving you the trouble of thinking about it or caring.

To end this off this nice little pessimistic and possibly controversial post… My next post on this will be for what can be done for PMDA and what people can do better, and my final one will be me giving my honest opinions and hopefully atoning for my sins in this amino.