I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the “U.S. government” has been fully subverted by a Satanic cult described in Biblical prophecy as the “beast from the sea” (i.e. the first beast of Rev 13).
The beast has overthrown the rule of law and consolidated all power in the executive branch, thereby creating an unprecedentedly powerful, completely unaccountable seat of political power.
Thus having prepared the way, the beast then installed into this office (president of U.S.) the second beast of Rev 13, an evil political puppet ruler…the so-called “antichrist”.
The “U.S. government” is now completely illegitimate and it exists only to do the beast’s global dirty work – which is the forcible imposition of the Satanic, messianic, Judeo-communist dictatorship (“New World Order”) on the whole world, in an attempt to bring about Satan’s kingdom on earth (Isaiah 14:13,14)