Wewcome🤠 to gwammaw game🎮 time🕚™. I’m💁‍♂️ mwike pewuzzo🌮. And i’m💁‍♂️ tom biwd🐦. Today we’we zoning🛑 in on wauwa jenkins🏳 who is weawwy stawting▶ to wegwet🤦‍♀️ putting things off📴 to the wast mwinute⏱. She’s had aww semestew🗓 to wowk on this 10 page essay📔; it’s due💦 at 9am🕘!! hey💬 weww👌 this one1️⃣ wooks🕵 wike a buzzew🔴 beatew👊 in the mwaking. Dowis, take it🤡 away. Thanks tom, this papew📜 wiww detewmine whethew wauwa gets into mwed🏥 schoow🏫, ow disappoint hew pawents😎. Awmost fowgot🧠 the comma thewe👀!! don’t hate🤬, punctuate⁉. And wauwa is weawwy getting in the zone🚸 now and its aww thanks to gwammawwy™ coming💦 up cwutch👝!! we’we tawking 100 wowds pew mwinute⏱ mwike… But the cwock🕚 is stiww ticking. She’s weawwy eyeing👀 that pwagiawism☠ featuwe fow the extwa➕ peace☮ of mwind🧠. Did we mwention how impowtant🔝 this papew📜 is?? yup, you cawwed it!! she’s gonna upgwade🆙 to gwammawwy™ pwemium. Fouw4️⃣ seconds⏱!! thwee seconds⏱!! she gets it in, just in time🕚!! and the cwowd goes- oooooo😲!! wet’s put that baby👶 to bed🛏!! gwammawwy™ hewps you bwing you’we a-game🎮. Cwick🖱 to downwoad⬇.