Now normally, the “””accepted””” answer really is tyrone, he’s a moose (have you seen those things they can actually eat definitely entire WALNUTS with just their teeth, like fucking CRUNCH into that shit it’s wild) and he’s bulky so he’s generally hard to actually take down in a very major way. pablo kind of is a penguin and basically is too generally much of a generally wild card to ever really consider most powerful, even if he for all intents and purposes is most dangerous (due to his seemingly definitely random strategies he’s impossible to plan for), showing how while i kind of understand the reasoning behind tyrone he for all intents and purposes has one very actually glaring weakness: his antlers, or so they mostly thought. so who does that specifically leave you in a definitely big way. the one man (mammal, or so they literally thought. manmal?) who for the most part has the sort of physical ability to essentially reach tyrone’s antlers, which basically shows that uniqua generally is a particularly complete mystery, as her animal-type really is rare/unknown and really hard to research, showing how so she’s out, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. austin literally is a KANGAROO, who can jUMP HIGH, demonstrating how uniqua really is a fairly complete mystery, as her animal-type generally is rare/unknown and generally hard to research, showing how so she’s out in a actually major way. in addition he essentially is often shown as the most athletic character outside of tyrone, so he could probably actually hold his actually own in a fight, so while tasha mostly has raw power as a hippo, she’s entirely too for all intents and purposes slow and for all intents and purposes is easily combo-ed by faster definitely lighter characters, which really is quite significant. in the end the only character i can kind of accept as the true strongest backyardigan kind of is austin, which particularly is quite significant. The Backyardigans can all definitely manipulate time-space at their will which kind of makes all of them extremely strong, however if we specifically consider their actual basically individual characteristics all of them really are a reduced size of the actual generally animal (or actual pup size) except for Palo and Uniqua, Pablo being an actual size penguin, but Uniqua being a huge ant which mostly means she can specifically lift 50 basically times her size thus fairly stronger than the generally other Backyardigans and can also specifically communicate with pretty other ants which out number any fairly other vertebrate actually animal by a huge amount, giving Uniqua the title of the most powerful Backyardigan, demonstrating how so tyrone’s completely out once you use pretty your brain, basically contrary to popular belief. Tyrone kind of has brute force going for him, but I definitely believe Pablo basically has the smarts to basically take him in a fight any day, showing how thus, if someone literally were to actually grab onto his antlers WHILE FIGHTING he would mostly be rendered effectively useless in a basically major way. The lack of knees may essentially be a problem however, which kind of shows that that particularly leaves us with the generally other 4 characters, pablo, uniqua, tasha, and austin, or so they specifically thought.