May work for you, but if you want to rise in the upper ranks in the Cult of Calciumtology, you’ll have to suckle directly from the udders of a real cow. I’d recommend you drive up to a farm and kill the farmer dude and his familiy and his workers, then steal his cows. Take em back home and feed them whatever they need to produce as much milk as possible. Then, strap a cow to the ceiling of your bathroom right above your toilet, because if you’re going to drink milk all day, you gotta have immediate access. (Something I learned the hard way) What you do is that you sit on the toilet and stick all four udders in your mouth and drink like a baby. Once you empty a cow, you’ll have to clean all the diarrhea off of yourself and flush the toilet. Then you switch cows. Keep doing this until you get a vision from Lord Skeltal giving you directions to a secret Calciumtology base. There, you’ll receive further direction. Trust me, I’ve done this for 10 years.