If you guys are wondering, I lay my own eggs, you can actually produce your own eggs by performing certain seances that connect with old spirits of chickens. You need a lot of uncooked eggs in one localized area (such as my fridge) to help facilitate a higher chance of receiving messages from past chickens who walked this earth. The ritual is done using salt and pepper to create a barrier to protect yourself from mimic chickens that are really just miniature ostriches. Don’t let these fool you, for they have the capability to decimate all humanity through any means necessary. Once your barrier is establish you must say the following words; “Ovum salutem vitamque invocabo” this must be said repeatedly until you feel a mild upset stomach from within you. Once the spirits are satisfied, you will inflate and secrete copious amounts of eggs through all your orifices in a violent manner. Thus experiencing one of the most orgasmic feeling ever thought to be felt by humans. Other then that the eggs are just really ok, the yolks look a bit darker, does anyone know why they darkened?