To be honest, this was one of the final few subs on reddit I had any time for. I could just about manage the fucking endless reddit circle-jerk, and the passive aggressive, underhanded, “conglomerate your opinion with us or a raft of 24/7 professional Interneters will google obscure articles from July 2011 to January 2014 to disprove your point because karma” bullshit that has become pretty much the core of whatever shitty hive-mind this website is.

Even I myself, the reproachful redditor, are a part of the problem. There’s always one bullshit comment on every post lamenting the shitty state of reddit. Usually I wouldn’t say anything, lest I risk the ire of the hive mind, but today I had to speak up, even if my words are only heeded by the few. No longer could I lurk in peace, attempting to find quality content. A task which once upon a time had proved so simple and rewarding. Sometimes I wonder if Reddit even changed at all, or maybe I just grew colder and more exhausted as my eyes were dulled to its shine. Only a handful of sources still held their seal of quality in my eyes, this sub being one of them.

But even now the last bastions slip into the hands of the enemy. It begins as a simple sub icon, but before long it will draw the weebs to the door and all the perfectly cut screams will be video clips from shitty anime shows, that once upon a time would have been ridiculed, yet now become prime circle-jerk material for all the ills of this world.

It is too late, I fear it has already begun.


Bring the cat back.