I am SICK and TIRED of these ska fans who think they can just BEND reality to their will, twist and turn the facts to suit THEIR needs at the expense of the common man. It’s gaslighting! It’s fuckin’ gaslighting! What’s your end goal here? Seriously, what are you trying to achieve? What do you GAIN from distorting our perception of reality? Do you think you can control us? Just because we’re in socio-economically vulnerable positions you think that our wills can be that easily broken by your amateur propaganda? Well, FUCK YOU! My faculties are sharper than ANY OF YOURS! I saw RIGHT THROUGH this scheme and I’ll continue to see right past ANYTHING you try to throw at me. If you want me out of the way, you’re going to have to kill me. You’re literally going to have to put a bullet through my fuckin’ brain because that’s the ONLY way you’re going to disrupt THIS mind! I CAN SEE THROUGH YOU AND I’M GOING TO MAKE SURE EVERYBODY ELSE CAN, TOO. IN YOUR PAINFUL FINAL SECONDS OF LIFE, YOU WILL FUCKING *REGRET* THE DAY YOU EVER WALKED INTO r/SKA THINKING YOU COULD BRAINWASH US INTO ACCEPTING YOUR WICKED AGENDA, YOU FASCIST WHORE.