I fucking hate soup, its fucking stupid and it dosent even make any sense. is it even considered to be a food or to be a drink? is it both? if it is then what the fuck? its just some boiling ass salt water with some shit in it, is milk and cereal a soup??? i mean its liquid with some cornflakes or whatever in it, i mean some soup has corn in it does it not? the biggest questions i have is if its considered to be food or a drink because when you have finished eating the meat or whatever you have in ur soup you drink the rest up directly from the bowl like a glass of water, but you also use a spoon and you have to fucking slurp the dumb ass soup water from it like its hot cocoa or some shit. is hot cocoa soup? is the entire ocean fucking soup? what the fuck even is soup! me and two of my friends were talking about this shit for like 25 minutes and what the fuck even is soup jesus christ is the entire fucking milky way galaxy a big fucking bowl of soup?!?!?

in conclusion: soup is fucking stupid dumbass warm salt water