If you pay for porn, you are a loser.

What can possibly be an argument for this?

“I’m creating jobs! Im keeping people afloat with my payments!”

\^\^This? really? That’s what guys are saying?

If you pay for porn, you are a loser, if you pay for live chats, you are a loser, if you pay for webcams, you are a loser, and even if you go to the strip club, you’re still a loser.

You lost.

You lost money, you lost time.

Because honestly, you’re most likely just masturbating and you can do that not only with free porn, but also without porn at all. Yep. So, to conclude, if you pay for porn you are a loser.

What’s another argument? The videos are higher quality and more professional? That’s interesting. So is your imagination if you know how to use it.

You can spend your time arguing with me that paying for porn doesn’t make you a loser, but really, do YOU pay for porn? Or are you just defending those who do? If the case is the latter, then you have little say in this argument. If you do pay for porn and you would like to make a counter-argument to my opinion, maybe that would be better use of your time then watching porn, and if it’s not and you prefer to watch porn instead of arguing, then go ahead and open PornHub premium and forget about Reddit.