I just wanted to say something to you, Bethesda. Just wanted to say a little, little something. There is nothing I love more t- Bethesda, there is nothing I love more than t-t-t-to sit down, comfy chair, turn on my PC, fire up a brand new RPG, u-uh lose myself, think Oh My God, think of this world, just think of all the planets I can visit. All the immersive things that I can get involved with. All the fights. All the relationships. All the people I meet. All the places I go. I’m so excited to go there, and, you know, I love nothing more than, with all that laid out in front of me, I love nothing more than to be DRAGGED OUT AT EVERY FUCKING CONCEIVABLE OPPORTUNITY SO YOU CAN FUCKING CURRENT DAY US! Sorry, did you want to get immersed in our world? Yeah, well guess what? FUCKING PRONOUNS! FUCKING GENDER AMBUGUITY! FUCKING CURRENT DAY CALIFORNIAN SHIT! CAUSE THAT’S ALL WE FUCKING KNOW! CAUSE WE’RE BORING! WE’RE SO FUCKING BORING! WE can’t SEE past our OWN FUCKING REFLECTION. THAT’S THE LEVEL OF OUR NARCISSISM HERE AT BETHESDA WESTERN GAME COMPANY. FUCK YOUR IMMERSION, FUCK YOU HAVING A GOOD TIME, FUCK YOU FALLING INTO A WORLD AND JUST GETTING LOST, NO NO NO! CURRENT FUCKING DAY! FUCK OFF! YA BORING! YA FUCKING DULL! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY! YOU ARE A ONE, HIVE MIND, TWAT WAFFLE! THAT’S ALL YOU FUCKING ARE! AND YOU WONDER WHY PEOPLE ARE GETTING SO FUCKING SICK AND TIRED! YOU TAKE EVERYTHING WE LOVE, ALL OUR IMMERSIONS, ALL OUR FANTASIES! ALL OUR ESCAPISM! AND YOU JUST CAN’T HELP! SHOVEL! YOUR DOGSHIT FUCKING CRAP IDEAOLOGY INTO EEEVERYTHING! EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY FUCKING THING! \*sigh\*