[**TIFU by getting a chemical burn on my balls**](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/nsork7/tifu_by_getting_a_chemical_burn_on_my_balls/)[**S**](https://www.reddit.com/r/undefined/?f=flair_name%3A%22S%22)

Now I’m the kind of person that usually trims instead of shaves because I have really sensitive skin.

My girlfriend unknowing to just how sensitive my skin is recommended I use Nair which I happily agreed thinking I could finally have those marble porn balls

The first mistake was applying it to my balls first. The second mistake was that It took a minute to get full coverage and we decided to start the timer after we applied it everywhere. So this shits been sizzling on my balls.

After I started taking it off I noticed a stinging feeling getting increasingly painful on my balls and that’s when I noticed I had several chemical burns on my balls. Which HURT so bad. I have never had my balls feel so uncomfortable.

TL:DR: girlfriend and I used Nair on my balls a little to long now I have minor chemical burns