Jeffrey Epstein in his Big Bird costume had always kept his stack of medical books on the gray, plush ottoman in his dentist’s office.

The sunlight would spill over them in the afternoon, giving the room a professional yet relaxed aesthetic.

This was his new life, and he was okay with it. People thought him dead, he was dressed as his favorite childhood character. He studied dentistry to accompany his new identity and time away from the rest of the world.

Jeffrey was in his Big Bird costume, in his successful dentist office. All was good again.

The now feathery dentist liked to pore over the pictures between appointments, yearning for the day a young patient would walk in and recline in the leather chair with a mouth just like in the diagrams, finally, someone open-minded and willing, like his old clientele.

Someone that would be his to have and to hold and to nibble.

Of course, the medical books contained limited pictures. So Jeffrey frequented the local library after work, browsing the 611 anatomy section of the nonfiction area.

As dusk settled and the library grew mellower, he turned to the library computers to provide him with material, using the excuse of his dentistry practice if anyone asked.

It was on a quieter Tuesday evening that he was approached by a young blond librarian.

“Excuse me, giant bird,” the man said politely, “I can’t help but notice you have a habit of checking out medical books. We just had several anatomical encyclopedias donated by the G.H. Hospital and I was wondering if you’d like me to hold them in your name.”

Jeffrey as Big Bird smiled gratefully. “Thank you. I’d appreciate that. I love to look at anatomical models in my spare time.”

The librarian’s eyebrow quirked and the bird hastened to add, “I’m a dentist, you see.”

“Oh, of course,” said the librarian, a flash of emotion there and then gone on his face. “Well, my name is Fred Jones of the Mystery Gang. This is my part-time job ever since we buried Scooby. If you ever need assistance of any kind, I’m open-minded and available.”

“Thanks again,” replied Big Bird. He logged out of the community computer and left without checking out any books.

He couldn’t get Fred’s young looking chiseled jawbone and smooth, soft, vulnerable skin out of his head. He imagined closing his beak around the man’s flesh⎯


He couldn’t be thinking this about some Silly Detective pet time Librarian(?) who had just happened to take interest to him.

Fred Jones was probably only being polite.

But Big Bird kept replaying that one sentence over and over in his head: “I’m open-minded and available…”

Big Bird was no stranger to desiring people he had just met, but the now yellow bird didn’t get a chance to exercise his fantasies often. Most people would balk as soon as they found out that Big Bird wanted to vore them.

So why did Fred Jones feel different?

The walk home from the library was long and the sun had set by the time Big Jeffrey Bird was home. Burdened by his emotions, he flopped into bed, running his hands through his feathers exhaustedly.

He didn’t have friends in this new body. Big Bird had never imagined that being alone without any children would make one so lonely.

He drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Jeffrey had put the kind librarian out of his mind for the rest of the week and focused hard on his work and new life. But Saturday morning, as he was pouring birdseed absentmindedly into his bowl (and spilling most of it upon the counter as a result of his daydreaming), the doorbell rang and jolted him out of his thoughts, causing him to upend the whole bag of birdseed. Did someone find out he wasn’t dead?

The bird made his way hastily to the door, smoothing his feathers before opening up to reveal none other than the friendly librarian of last Tuesday.

Big Bird blinked in confusion, while Fred Jones smiled sheepishly and held up a bag full of heavy books.

“You hadn’t been by the library in almost a week. I’m used to seeing you around, I’m a detective. I notice these things.” Fred explained. “I’d started to wonder where you were, and the encyclopedias were getting lonely.” He laughed a little and awkwardly set the bag on the step. “So I, uh, your address was in the library records, and I thought it couldn’t hurt to drop off some books. Everyone can do with a little more anatomy, or, more reading, right?”

The yellow avian ring leader found himself charmed by Fred’s kindness (and by his fluffy golden hair, really, he wasn’t even going to try to deny that one). He knew this was a full grown man, but Fred really reminded him of a child.

“Why don’t you come in?” Big Bird offered, holding the door open for the detective. “I’m not busy, and maybe we could look at some of these encyclopedias together, man to bird.”

“That sounds great,” answered Fred Jones stepping into the bird’s house. He set the bag of books down on Big Bird’s kitchen table while the feathery creature poured himself a new bowl of birdseed, sitting down across from Fred, who had taken out one of the anatomy books and was poring over the pictures.

Just like I do… Damn it. He had to focus. The charming detective just wasn’t into that. Big Bird didn’t know why he was getting his hopes up.

Big Bird scooped seeds into his beak, but soon he noticed Fred’s gaze on him.

“Do I have crumbs in my feathers?” he asked, confused, but Fred shook his head with a “don’t worry about it” gesture.

Big Bird dismissed it, but when he caught the librarian again, he said, “Are you sure I don’t have any crumbs on me?”

“No, it’s just…” Fred trailed off.

Jeffrey motioned for him to continue, and he sighed, “I just… I like watching you eat. Your beak is so grand, and so big, and you know most people who live around here have ordinary mouths, and I…” He put his head down and wouldn’t continue.

Big Bird’s heart was pounding and the world seemed to go off-kilter.

Fred wasn’t making sense.

“You like watching me eat? Why are you sad? Fred, I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

The predator just wanted the headache to stop and things to start becoming clear. Big Bird pushed back his chair and went to stand next to Fred’s seat.

Fred Jones mumbled something incomprehensible into his hands. The big yellow bird had to lean in close, so close, to hear Fred repeat himself.

“I like vore,” he whispered in a voice choked with self-loathing.

Big Bird could tell the detective expected him to hate him now.

“You- you- what?” Big Bird sputtered.

Fred immediately covered his face with his hands. “No no no, it’s not a bad thing,” he hastened to add. “It’s just a big surprise. A big surprise. I… I’m into that, too.”

Fred’s face lit up for a split second.

Then he looked dejected again.

“What is it?” Big Bird asked.

“Can I… can you swallow me?” Fred looked like he wanted to disappear in embarrassment.

Jeffrey Epstein knew if he vored him, Fred would know his true identity. This costume did fit 2… He just couldn’t wait, and the risk was worth it.

“Enter me, Fred Jones.” Big Bird gulped, unhinging his beak for him to enter, displaying a set of teeth that rubbed deep into his real person. “I want to feel your child body deep in my body.”

Fred blushes his 49 year old cheeks. He slowly slide in, head first, falling into the costume, body colliding into Jeffrey.

“J… Jeffrey Ep… Epstein.” Fred said, pants tenting. “Can… Can you vore me too?”

“No… No Fred.” Jeffrey, moaned, pushing the detective to his knees. “I have something for you to vore, child. Don’t forget to use your teeth, Fred.”

Fred began to unbuckle the predator ring leaders belt inside of the Big Bird costume. Their movement made Bid Bird look like his stomach is churning with there movements.

“Yes, daddy.”