one main factor in determining the redditation of a redditor is the use of irony. Most memes on mainstream meme subs (dankmemes, memes, pdpsubmissions) are unironic, and they generally follow the trend of meme within the reddit meme circlejerk. Ironic subs (okbr, bruhmoment, redditmoment) have humour based in irony and sarcasm, not only to mock the mainstream reddit mindset, but to also add humorous effect. The humour of okbr contrasts with dankmemes, where r/dankmemes humour is based on relatable situations, praising lord keanu, or the punchline being some crap from revenge of the sith, r/okbuddyretard humour is based on acting stupid, with nonsensical ideas, captions describing questionable actions or misinterpretation of common ideas and themes. These two subreddits contrast in humour style differently and many argue about which style of modern memery is better, unironic humour (dankmemes) is easier to interpret, ironic humour (okbuddyredtard) is hard to interpret considering the nonsensical nature, but is generally more funny.