Imagine this: allowing it to crawl inside your vagina and stay there. The warmth would serve as shelter for the young larva. For two to three weeks he becomes an extension of you, subsisting itself off your vaginal juices. He comes to know and love the sweet nectar of the body. Soon you began to feel a stir, an awakening. The larva begins to finally peak it’s head back out into the sunshine of the world, drawn to the entrance of your damp cave by the warmth of the sun. But something is different, for he has undergone a metamorphosis. The larva you gave home and your body’s life giving nectar emerges a glorious beautiful butterfly shimmering from its own and your liquids in the warm morning glow. It’s wings, still new to it and this world, begin to spread as it slowly begins to understand how to use them. It gives you one last lick from its long proboscis, a last meal and a goodbye before taking flight into the great unknown. It is thankful for your hospitality.