This is getting ridiculous. Can you two please keep it down? Like it was funny the first couple of times I noticed but now it’s gotten out of hand. You guys have sex almost every single fucking night and it’s LOUD. Literally, I’ll walk down the hall to either the bathroom or the trash chute and I can hear you moaning the stupidest shit! Seriously, how many times can you really yell, “Ohh yeah, fuck that asshole, ooh yeahh, fuck it hard.” It’s even audible from the room. And the guy is even worse because in addition to him being all like “Ahhh yeah, ahh yeah baby,” he’s all like “You like that shit baby? Huh? Yeah? Ah fuck. Ahhh yeah. That ass feels sooo good.” I swear I didn’t expect the freaking acoustics to be so fluid in here.

You guys must think you’re sooo cool having all that sex. Well guess what? You’re not. You’d think that people who got into UCLA would have the decency to be considerate to others in this close-quarter living shit show we are in. But nope. You can’t expect peace and quiet; not on this floor. It’s absurd.

It’s just that they have sex so often it’s starting to feel like they are rubbing it in our faces. It gets me so mad sometimes. Like I feel that they are being loud on purpose to try and show off how much sex they have. Some of us aren’t getting any sex and it’s frustrating that we have to put up with it. I haven’t gotten laid since I was fucking born; and meanwhile this freaking guy keeps yelling “Omg yeah, omg, it feels so fucking good, ohh, ohhhh. Fuck that little assssholeeee” so loud that the entire floor can hear it when they step out into the hallway. My floor isn’t very social and people walk around with headphones but I know a lot of them hear it too. They just pretend not to at this point because it’s way passed the funny phase and now in the annoying/awkward phase where we just passively put up with it.

I just want to walk to the bathroom without hearing them have sex for once. I mean, I’m not hating on them, but couldn’t they just keep it down a bit? Jeeze. Sometimes it lasts for like 45 minutes. Two weeks ago in went on for over a day. They just keep having sex super loud and I’m tempted to just pound on their door one of these days mid-fuck and ask to join in. I just wish they didn’t have to yell like that. He’s obviously fucking him good or whatever, so good for him, but seriously, stfu!

The other guy also thinks he’s soooo cool the way he walks around in the morning. I see him when he’s leaving the showers and he’s got this stupid smirk on his face, chuckling in the bathroom while he checks himself out in the mirror. Idk, it lends credence to my theory that he’s doing it to show off. I try not to let it bother me, but when I’m in my room beating my meat for like the umpteenth time because it’s the best I can do, then yeah, it’s a little frustrating having other people’s sex life rubbed in my face like that. I’ve never considered myself a bitter or jealous person, but after having to hear “Ooooh yeahhh, fuck it harder..” every night for weeks it makes me feel like shit.

I cannot be the only one who’s had an experience like this. What should I do about it? It’s one of those situations where you look like a total triangle if you complain to the RA. And what RA really wants to knock on a door and disrupt someone from getting some action. It’s awkward. Plus I would probably look jealous or bitter if I complained. Oh wait, shit.

End of rant.