Picture this: 1994. The United States was slowly moving toward the economic boom of the late 90’s. It was the beginning of a golden age that would be remembered for years. At the same time, a young powerful basketball player was in his second year in the NBA. He was becoming an instant star and served as the savior of the ailing Orlando Magic. Shaquille O’Neal.

At the time, people wanted to see more Shaq. They loved Shaq so much that they would do anything Shaq told them to. Shaq went on to begin his merchandising in an effort to please the needs of the people. He decided to rap, releasing the album called: Shaq-Fu. At the time, people really enjoyed it. Shaq was a big star and just him on the stage made them giddy. He also created a video game called Shaq-Fu. The people enjoyed it. GamePro Magazine gave the game a 4.5 overall. Riding on this high, Shaq went on to create the movies: Kazaam and Steel. Everything was going well for Shaq. The people loved him and Shaq loved the people.

Now skip to the year 2017. The economic boom is over and United States is bitter and cynical. Shaquille O’Neal is no longer worshipped by the people. In fact, very few people still pay attention to the NBA. Looking back, the citizens of the USA realize how awful some of Shaq’s accomplishments really were. Sure Shaq rapped but was it really that good? No. The people say no. The movies Kazaam and Steel have lost their luster. They are now considered some of the worst, hokiest movies ever to defile the screen. And then there’s Shaq-Fu, the video game…