I am 13 and may have no voice in this never ending war of who did what, how, and why but I am an atheist. However, I do believe that this may be partly because my parents are atheists, I have formed opinions on my own. I have read much of the Bible and I know most of the story and I can’t wrap my head around this being a sensible thing. Let’s say god is real, we somehow find proof that he created the universe, blah, blah, blah. The things people do for god, and what god demands of people seems too unjust and wouldn’t make sense. People have killed them selves or others to prove themselves to god. Heck why do you think many extremists in the Middle East yell “Alah ak bar”( I think that’s how you spell it) which translates too “Allah or god is great.” Also things put in the Bible seem too surreal to be true. Like Moses by the power of god splitting the sea to escape with the Jews from Egypt. Or after words when they only survive in the dessert with a single loaf of bread! (I think that’s what happened I can’t remember but I remember the Jews surviving a long period of time with very little sustenance). And most of all how can we prove that the Bible is telling the truth! It could have been written by some mad man who had too much to drink one night. Tracing back to early man, religion was only created because man became curious. Man wanted an answer to why they are there and why they are doing what they are doing. So people came up with answers. Why do you think there are so many different religions coming from different cultures. Only one or none at all can be true. So when you see people saying this and that I’m like “well you may believe deeply in your religion but that guy over there deeply believes in a completely different religion and you can’t both be right, so how do I know which one is truly right if one is even right at all. Now I will repeat I’m just a 13 year old who knows jack about religion, I just wanted to finally write down my thoughts and feelings and I hope you all can respect that. I hope some crazy priest doesn’t attack me in the comments.