Found on R/askreddit

I’m in the top 0.01% of karma-holders on Reddit.

Most people probably wouldn’t see karma as something to brag about, and for the most part, they’d be right: Far too many folks on the site view imaginary Internet points as being akin to a high score in a video game, and they’ll adopt any strategy that they can – reposting old submissions, throwing out low-effort memes, or answering r/AskReddit questions with single-sentence replies, for instance – in order to see their numbers go up.

Personally, though, I look at karma as being a surrogate for applause: It isn’t worth anything on its own, but the sentiment that it conveys is certainly meaningful. Since I wouldn’t want people to applaud me for offering someone else’s work, I stick to putting my own original content out into the world.

Sorry, that got a bit sappy, didn’t it?

If it helps, just pretend that I wrote “Haha, updoots go brrrrrr!” and left it at that.