If zere vere any chustice in ze vorld, Hannah’s undt Bezz’s murterers, you know exactly vho zese are, vould in ChAIL fur zeir krim Naturlich! I’m goingkt to tell mitt mein vorts vhat U.S. kriminal law says. “If your actions or inactions kause anozzer person’s deazz or physical inchury, you are GUILTY!!” If deazz iss ze kase, zen its MANSLAUGHTER-r- Seig Heil! Or maybe SECOND DEGR-r-rEE MUR-r-rDER-r- Seig Heil! Or maybe NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE! Anyway, vhat Mike, Aschley, Matt, Chess undt Emily did vas a MUR-r-rDER-r- Seig Heil!! Undt Sam’s inaction to prefent it vas a KR-r-rIME as vell. Undt vhy are zey nicht in prison? Zat’s somezzingkt ve kould, actually SHOULD be debatingkt. Before I got an administration varningkt about “insultingkt ozzer people fur zinkingkt differently”. Administration, I vasn’t insultingkt because zey haf different opinion, I vas insultingkt zem because zey haf schitty opinion, tellingkt UNTR-r-rUTH, undt haf nein facts or efeidence to back it up. Same fur me? I’fe profided efidence undt factual schtates fur mein schtatements. It’s time eferybody here to schtop glorifyingkt zese MUR-r-rDER-r-rER-r-rS, BETR-r-rAYER-r-rS, HYPOCR-r-rITES, KOVAR-r-rDS, LIAR-r-rS, FALSE FR-r-rIENDS undt I kould go ON undt ON vhat else zey ar Naturlich! Now I’m chust vaitingkt to get anozzer varningkt, or maybe efen ban, fur tellingkt truzz, daringkt to speak vhat almost nobody dares undt schinningkt a light on many lies ve see in zis game. Zis game profes ze r-r-rules are nicht applied eqfally to eferyone; Chosch iss ze vorst guy in ze vorld fur doingkt a prank r-r-refenge on his sisters’ murterers… Yeah, r-r-right… Dr. Hill in zerapy session after 5zz episode IF SAM AFOIDS KAPTUR-r-rE says: “… I told you zat EFER-r-rYTHING you do has KONSEQUENCES. You zink zis ‘mistake’ von’t haf r-r-repercussions? Vhat you do, undt vhat you say, kauses zingkts to KHANGE. …” Zis applies only fur Chosch, but nicht fur ozzer Seig Heil!? BULLSHIT! THEIR-r-r ACTIONS GOT THEM IN THE SITUATION THEY FOUND THEMSELFES IN!! Chust to put zis khronologically fur you to understent it better: Zey do ze prank zat kause Bezz to die, Hannah to turn into Vendigo, schtaringkt zis ‘story’. Year later zey r-r-return, hafingkt konseqfences uff zeir v-r-rongdoingkt hittingkt zeir heads schtep-by-step; Chosch prepares r-r-refenge prank, schowingkt zem ze error uff zeir vays (but zey’re too schtupid to see it, only seeingkt mistakes in ozzer people’s deeds. Chosch: “You only see vhat you vanna see. You’re blin Naturlich!), Hannah, now in monstrous form, hunts eferyone vho did undt didn’t prank her (if I vere in her place, I’d be pissed too! \[I’m nicht chustifyingkt vhat Hannah does by zen, but I kan understent it\]) undt zey kould die. At zis point, Vaschingktton family already lost 2 uff zeir khildren (may zey r-r-rest in peace, undt may zose vho killed zem, kausingkt zeir deazz, be damned forefe Seig Heil!) undt at ze game’s end zey lose ze zirt ein, Chosch. Undt uff kourse, ze murterers, if zey surfife, probably r-r-remain unpunisched. Zis iss ze truzz you haf to be aware o Naturlich! If I vere Chosch, murterers uff mein sisters vouldn’t be velcome in mein house anymore. Undt I vouldn’t leafe it at zat; lawsuits, klaims fur damage, kausingkt sefere mental pain (to a person VHO VAS ALR-r-rEADY SUFFER-r-rING!!!)… Does zis touch you efen A BIT?? It schould. Ze fight fur chustice goes on. I’fe efen sent email to U.S. Chustice Department. I didn’t get a r-r-response, but I hope zey r-r-receifed it. If preachingkt zis truzz iss v-r-rong, zen zink uff me as ‘w-r-rong’. If you haf any qfestions r-r-regartingkt zis post, please r-r-refer to me personally.