Girl-Girl Fruit

The **Girl-Girl Fruit**, also known as the Onna-Onna No Mi, is a Paramecia Devil Fruit taking the form of a small bundle of pink grapes.

**Ability:** The fruit allows its user to magically turn anything they touch into a cute human girl with a puff of pink smoke, with the looks and personality of the produced “Girl” being based on the object touched. For example, if a small flower like a daisy is touched, the resulting girl will be small and child-like in form who likes moist dirt and the sun, while something like a renowned sword will produce a tall, muscular woman with fighting and training being her prime interests. This ability has an upper limit on mass around the size of a small ship, and a lower limit of about a grain of sand. Objects converted into girls have memories of their time as inanimate objects, but won’t retain sentience when they turn back.

Animals transformed by this fruit will become girls in the age range of 6-25 based on the proportional age of the animal, and when transforming back, the animal’s age will change to match the age of it’s Girl form. Example: A 14 year old dog is transformed, and as 25 is the closest to elderly that the animal age range allows, the dog will become a 25 year old girl. When transforming back, the dog will become a 3.5 year old dog (25 in dog years). This effectively grants animals an infinite lifespan provided they are regularly transformed by this power. Animals turned back by this power retain some higher mental functions when returned to normal.

Of course, the fruit can be used on humans, having a similar effect to one of the Horm-Horm Fruit’s techniques, that being Female Hormone. However as the Girl-Girl fruit is more magical in nature than physical, the change is instantaneous. In addition, the effects of this fruit on any targets only dissipate if they are actively dispelled by a vocal command from the user or if the user is killed.

**Weaknesses:** While objects and animals affected by the fruit will often appreciate the gift of higher thought granted to them, and thus usually offer a favor or two, objects and weapons that have been cherished by their owners will stand by said owners, and properly tamed beasts will still obey their masters. The user’s produced girls can be returned to their original states if they come into contact with sea energy. Some Girls may resist sea energy if they have aquatic origins like ducks, fish, and ships. Aside from that, the user suffers the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses of sea energy.

**Current Wielder:** Captain of the Cockatoo Pirates, Missy Avia is a woman characterized by her yellow mohawk, pale blue eyelids, and black lips. Few outside her own crew know she exists, and most of those few believe she is a Zoan, user of the Bird-Bird Fruit Model: Cockatoo. Her real fruit, as well as the fact she is in reality a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo adopted by the first captain of the Cockatoo Pirates, is only known to herself and whoever she deems fit to act like the captain during raid parties.

**Technique List:**
*Confetti Girls*: Fires a party popper full of extra-large confetti flakes at her target, converting each confetti flake into a girl at the same time to smother the target under a mound of Girls. The produced girls are also given a second order to distract or seduce the target should the target not be bewildered enough.
*Disarming Girl*: Turns the target’s weapon into a Girl, either gaining a new ally against the target or simply putting the weapon in a much less dangerous form.
*Girl Return*: Returns a girl to it’s normal state. Girls made from large things like elephants or ships can be used as weapons in battle by transforming them suddenly above or next to targets.
*You Go, Girl!*: Turns the target into a girl, won’t work on young female targets, and used on elderly female targets may even restore lost strength. On male targets typically reduces strength, and forces them off-balance as they struggle to adapt to sudden major anatomical changes.
*Fall Away Girl*: Only used in ship-to-ship battles as a last resort. Turns the enemy ship into a girl, letting them and the entire enemy crew fall into the sea. Drains the user’s energy immensely.