I play dark souls 3. If I die as a host to any kind of invader I alt+f4 before the dying animation finishes so that they don’t get their covenant item or an ember. Invaders don’t deserve to be rewarded. Soothing sunlight is fair in duels and I use it in them. If you disagree you can go fuck yourself.

I’ve done the following challenges solo: SL 1 all bosses, broken straight sword only all bosses, and a little mini challegne (not a full run) I did once which was simply to kill champion gundyr and the dragonslayer armor before vordt in NG.

True facts:

I am a straight white male who doesn’t pretend to be a girl (cisgender) with an IQ of 141.

There is no such thing as love. Animals don’t fall in love, they just fuck. People are no different. Love is a human construct. The idea of love is nothing more than a concept made up by people, it is not a true emotion like anger and sadness are. Animals get mad, sad, and happy. These are real emotions. Animals don’t love and we are nothing but animals ourselves. Love is a lie. If you claim to love someone you are kidding yourself, deluded by the media and society. Young love is nothing more than horniness and hormones, and mature love nothing more than the instinct to mate and reproduce. You’re lying to yourself if you say otherwise.

There are only two genders, if you have a Y chromosome you are a man, if you don’t you are a women. There are no exceptions, I don’t care how you feel, your feelings are irrelevant. If you have a Y chromosome you’re a man, you can cut off your dick and wear a dress, but you’re still a man, a very pathetic man.

Watching anime makes you a weeaboo. Saying you watch anime, but aren’t a weeb is like saying “I fuck other guys in the ass, but I’m not gay, not even bi, I’m straight 100%”. Also liking traps makes you gay. It doesn’t matter if you like him for his femine traits, the fact that you choose to jerk it to a girly guy instead of an actual girl means that you’re gay. Also liking lolis makes you a pedophile. I know it’s not real little girls, but come on. That’s like saying “I’m not gay I only jerk off to anime penises, not real ones, so I’m not gay”. Come on, be real.

Trump isn’t ruining America and he isn’t that bad. He has done nothing worse than Obama Care and Hillary would be no better, prehaps worse. And I doubt you could turn a million dollars into a billion. It’s not easy, give the guy some credit. Y’all SJWs and trump haters can fuck yourselves.

Mentioning race doesn’t make you racist. If you’re looking for your black friend and everyone in the room is white, it’s not racist to say “He’s the black one”. Would it be rude to say “He’s the only one with brown eyes”? No, so why is skin color any different? It isn’t. Mentioning race as a trait isn’t racist, racism is discrimanating based on race, casually mentioning race without being overly sensitive isn’t racist, it’s actually progressive.

There is no god. No after life. Nothing. We are what we are and everything on earth and in space can be explained with science. When we die it’s just like before we were born, nothing. Eternal oblivion. Deny it all you want, when we die, that’s it baby, game over. It’s not a black screen, it’s not eternal sleep, it’s non-existance.

Disagree with any of these things? You’re wrong, plain and simple. These aren’t opinions, they are facts. If you disagree with them then you are wrong. And stupid. You can believe in Santa Claus all you want, but that doesn’t mean he’s real or that his existance is even up for debate.

You want an opinion? Linkin Park is the best band ever with a great sound and meaningful lyrics, The only weapon worth using in Dark Souls III is the Farron Greatsword, and Noire from Hyperdimension Neptunia is best girl. These are opinions, they are not definentively true, they are my opinions. But the things I said before are facts, not opinions. They are facts.

Still here? Ok for anyone who actually cared enough to scroll this far I’ll put a brief summary of my actual life here for anyone who cares enough to read it. In preschool my mom knew I was special, while other kids played with hotwheels and barbies I liked going to the local museum and asking questions about how boats float and how planes fly and all that shit. Eventaully she decided her little boy was special and deserved better than the other normies. She brought me in for an IQ test to get into a private school for ‘gifted’ kids. I scored exceptionally high, 141, and I didn’t even finish the test (deadass I got tired and told the lady administering the test that I wasn’t gonna answer anymore questions) They said I would’ve likely ended with ~150 had I done the last bit. The private school accepted me and offered generous financial aid since my score was so high. I was, and still am, lower middle class. Almost all the kids at the school came from upper class rich families who just paid the full tution instead of bothering with an IQ test. I was often made fun of for not having suits at formal events and bringing my lunch in a plastic kroger’s bag. I was by no means top of the class, I was around the middle. For every rich idiot I can remember I can remember a rich genius who far out performed me. I stayed there till 8th grade, for at the highschool level tution was too high even with all the financial aid we recieved. I always got As in math and science, English was mixed results and history I always got Cs because history is gay. For 9th grade I went to a public school and took all honors classes, I averaged a 3.666 (4 As, 2 Bs if I recall) which isnt impressive by any means, its just to say I wasn’t a failure by any standards. I dropped out. I was sick of people and school, I wanted to spend my life as I saw fit and I was sick of being around those animals. They were experimenting with drugs and sex and I wasnt a part of it, I would get sick with envy everytime I saw people holding hands, everytime I heard someone say ‘girlfriend’. I was a shadow that whole year, compeletely on the outside, not just the quiet kid in the corner, far more than that. I literally talked to no one. I was leaving early about twice a month due to social anxiety induced panic attacks. So yeah it sucked and I quit. My mom tried to homeschool me for 10th grade, but I am a manipulator, I convinced her to let me just sit around and play video games, and if she ever gained the upper hand in an arguement I threw the threat of suicide her way and that normally shut her up. I tried going to an alternative highschool for the first part of 11th grade, I averaged a perfect 4.0 there because as I later found out the grades were rigged so that anyone who was remotely trying never failed anything and anyone with decent grades would appear to be doing much better (I believe they added a flat +30% to all grades so that a 40 became a C and anything above a C was perfect). Somehow there were still kids failing despite the rigged grades so yeah, that was lame. I quit that after only a few monthes because it was a cesspool. It was a school aimed for ‘troubled teens’ and as it turned out that meant teens who smoked weed and fucked all day long and couldn’t care less about school. It was everything I had hated about 9th grade except to the extreme. So my mom gave up, she fell into deep depression because her mom died of lung cancer and her special little man had become a drop out and was also crippled by depression. My dad is autistic. Literally, he has aspergers so like he was never any help to anyone. I’m still a virgin and I want to die, literally. I waste away what little time I have on this wretched planet playing video games and collecting hatemail on this steam profile. I’m buying a gf for 50 refined metal, but no fat and/or ugly bitches please.