“Ah! Perry the Playpus, how unexpected, and by unexpected I of course mean, completely expected! Now behold, my latest diabolical invention of evil! The Infinity Gauntlet…..Inator!
You see Perry the Platypus, it all started when I was a child in Drustelstein, where my parents only gave me half of my meals and gave the other half to my brother, Rodger.
Now, I know what your thinking, and no, I don’t just mean the they would split it between the two of us. What I mean is, he would get a full meal, and 50% of whatever I had! So if I had pizza for dinner, they would cut it in half and give him the better half. Giving me a sad floppy triangle and Rodger a firm cheese trapezoid!
Well no more! Today is the day I will have my revenge on unfair food servings! Because, with a snap of my fingers, I will double the amount of food resources in not just the Tri-state Area, but the entire world as a whole!
People will then think of me as a hero, who did a major part in helping stop world hunger! They will be so grateful in-fact, that they will elect me ruler of the Tri-state Area!”