I eat four snickers bars a day which is about 900 calories out of my daily intake of 3900. I literally never get bored of them.They are fucking perfect. I like to vary my snickers intake by dipping them into whipped cream or peanut butter but that is the only variation I need. The only other chocolate I have eaten in the past 5 years was a butterfinger and I physically started wretching until I managed to grab a snickers and use it to ‘push’ the chewed up butterfinger into my mouth. Snickers are so so fucking good man. The peanuts and the caramel and the soft delicious milk chocolate. I honestly feel sick if I don’t have my four snickers each day. Yes I am fat but I don’t fucking give a shit. The weird thing is I hate peanuts normally, I hate peanuts butter unless it has chocolate spread and some caramel mixed in to remind me of snickers. I actually love to ensure most of my food is more like snickers, I sometimes make myself a tasty boiled egg dipped in chocolate with the inside replaced with caramel nougat and nuts. Fuck it tastes like a chicken laid a snickers, my mom calls it a ‘chickers’ haha and we eat them for breakfast together sometimes.