I have a little chihuahua/something else. He is 3 months today. He is always peeing and pooping where he is not supposed to. This is my main problem with him. I usually take him to the spot where he poops, put his head down so he can smell it, then hit him on the side. once I got so mad at him for peeing on me and the couch that I beat him so bad. slamming him fullforce on my couch multiple times then stuffed him in a small kitchen drawer for 30 min. but when I took him out he was limping for a couple of days in the front leg. I got scared and tried to do positive reinforcement for a while. didnt work, he just wants to **** where he wants. stupid dog. he continued pooping and destroying my place. So I started beating him more severely. then I started whiping him with a this thick plastic spatchula. that is now his regular whip. and I whip him till he is numb. I have to admit it even hurts me when I tried it on myself to see how much it hurts. yesterday I beat his butt with the new whip, then threw him outside in the heat, when he came in he was limping again, but i knew this was a false alarm. Later that night when I stepped out for a second, he pooped in the kitchen and spread it everywhere. I was enraged so I burned his little anus butthole with boiling hot water. He screams everytime he sits down or anything touches his butthole now. today I saw him attempting to poop in my office but stopped him. I tried taking him outside and waiting several minutes for him to poop as usual. but he thinks its just sit outside time instead of poop time. he’d rather poop inside and get beat. and thats exactly what happened. I burned his butt hole with scorching hot water again. then I lifted his tail to expose his inflammed anus, pinned him down, and spanked him several times on his buthole. Then threw him outside in the heat. I also smashed him over and over agian between my snowboard and the wall. I also hit him in the face several times with the spatchula. he acted shocked. but he needs to know that I will go there. I also slapped him in the face over and over again with my hand and punched him once in the face. Now he’s outside in the 104 degree whether not making a sound. bc he knows what will happen if he does. when it turns night time Im planning on throwing him out my back window and never looking back.