this is kind of crazy but did you consider that this stuff was already painted when they made the cartoon? I just don’t understand certain things and activities, it’s like subconsciously my brain thinks of these activities as a waste of time which somehow leads me to being overly angry for no real reason. here’s an example, I don’t understand why people like cosplay. To me cosplay is an activity where you spend 100% of your time doing that awkward thing where you don’t know what to do so you just take pictures or talk or get drunk or basically something else. cosplay isn’t a real activity in and of itself, it’s more like a set of clothes. you can do other stuff while “cosplaying”. if they called cosplaying what it really was “dressing up” it would sound like something kids do and you’d get made fun of. on top of that I have a way overly developed sense of shame and emberassment and would rather become a loner than feel emberassed or awkward around people so when I imagine cosplaying it’s like what the fuck do I want to go and have everyone in the room stare at me while an awkward silence hangs over everyone? so to me this post is like that, same with “here’s a cake my gf made” and “here’s a cross stitch my nan nan made of paper mario”. to me that stuff is just a waste of time and natural resources, because the only thing you can get out of any of this is joy and I just do not feel joy in anything leading me to not care about this stuff. I still haven’t quite managed to figure out why they make me mad though, and I am struggling basically with random anger that comes out of nowhere. it’s like people doing things I wouldn’t do I just want to call them stupid and get mad. Actually it might be because I feel like the content of the reddit post is unoriginal or boring and thus a waste of time, but I guess you aren’t allowed to say something is boring because then you are a rude bad guy.sometimes I feel like things are only rude because people can’t handle negative emotions so try to avoid reality. like if I say “this post is boring” that is considered rude because it could hurt OPs feelings. is there any other reason than that? let me know down below in the comments and don’t forget to like the video and subscribe for more from your boy, damn_peggy

btw your painting skill is adequate and I’m not hating on your skills

oh yeah and the other thing I don’t get is plastic anime figurines, like they don’t fucking do anything, why are you spending hundreds of dollars on paper weights???