Alright so basically this quote is from the popular movie “The Matrix”. The line is stated in the context that the matrix refers to a simulated reality with the aforementioned name, which the science fiction action film revolves around. The name “Neo” mentioned at the end of the line also strengthens the support for this, as Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) is the name of the protagonist of the movie. Clearly, the two stick figures are meant to represent Neo and Morpheus in one of the most famous lines of the film. Now, we will take a look at the background of the image. We see two brackets along with 4 x variables with differing subscripts. Now, this is really where the true comedic genius of this image starts to come into play. In mathematics, a matrix refers to “a set of numbers arranged in rows and columns so as to form a rectangular array” (Wikipedia). Matrices (the plural form of matrix) are typically represented by using two square brackets surrounding the set of numbers contained within each matrix. This image is extremely hilarious because the fact that Morpheus (from the film Matrix, as seen appearing to be gesturing to the brackets on the left side of the image) is welcoming Neo (the protagonist of the same movie) to “the matrix”. However, the creator of the image obviously failed to realize that the “matrix” that Morpheus was talking about was related to the name given to the simulated reality that the characters were living in, and not the one related to mathematics. The fact that the two stick figures representing the two characters are literally enclosed within the square brackets of the matrix enhances this even further by showing that in the context of mathematics, the line that Morpheus says is objectively true. Now, why is this funny? Well, in comedy, a very common type of joke is misinterpreting the context of a word. In this image, we can see that the creator clearly is stupid or retarded and completely misses the context of the famous movie line.