Anyways I’m going to go on a rant about cheese …. just kidding carrots. Do you know the scientific name carrot is Daucus carota and the wild carrot is also known as Queen Anne lance. Now you might be asking why is it important information to know the name of the wild carrot , that is because of the fact of the theory that Queen Anne is a trap , and secretly a boy. Additionally it shows that she has a big dick. Because a carrot is long. And the wild carrot name is describing her lance which is a dick.Are you might be questioning yourself like why is this important information. This is important information because Astolfo also has a big dick, meaning Astolfo and Queen Anne is the same person … you might be thinking right now, they live in a completely different time. How could they be the same person. Time travel that is the reason. What does this prove what that means Astolfo might be living among us, as Donald Trump. Additionally among us is a very good game that connects to Astolfo meaning he is sus , that mean Donald Trump is sus and if Donald Trump that mean American is sus and if American is sus that mean you are sus , and if you are sus that mean your dick is sus. That mean you don’t have a dick or your dick is small. And we know from Occam razor is the most likely outcome Is the correct one. In the most likely outcome here is that your dick is small. Meaning you , yes you the reader , your dick is small.