You are on YouTube, browsing the latest videos. You spot a strange video, titled “PEPPA PIG FINGER FAMILY”. You’re pretty bored, so you click on it. Seems like a normal Nursery rhyme video. You look at the related videos. As you read the titles, you notice how stranger the videos seem to get. You click on one, titled “Dangan Ropa finger family”. You start to wonder if this is even meant for children. You keep clicking on the related videos, which keep getting stranger and stranger. You read the reccomendations list. “Donald trump finger family” “minion elsa finger family”. Sweat pours down your face, but you continue. “Skeleton helicopter finger family” “hitler finger family”. Your head starts to pound. “Candy dinosaur finger family” “dragon dog finger family”. The world starts to spin. Out of sheer terror, you click on the home button. However, there is no escape. All the videos are finger family. Your vision starts to get blurry as you read the titles of the video. The world is getting farther and farther away. Your ears are ringing. You can’t see anything. There is only finger family.
As you regain control of your body, you feel different. You look around, trying to figure out what this new place is. Suddenly, you hear a loud, booming voice:
“Father finger, father finger, where are you?”