Subscribe to Pewdiepie right now you piece of shit. If you already did, great! But not great enough, make more accounts right the fuck now. If you subbed to T-series, unsubscribe to that shitty indian company right the fuck now. FUCKING SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE NOW. If you want to know why, it’s because T-series will (or already beat) Pewdiepie and we want Pewdiepie to stay at the top (#CreatorsNotCorporations) dont you fucking argue with me I swear to fucking god. So yeah, subscribe to Pewdiepie, spread the word. If you dont want to, I dont fucking care JUST SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE THATS ALL I’M ASKING FOR GOD DAMNIT. So just subscribe to Pewdiepie right now. Also, dont drink Pepsi. Why? Because T-Series sponsored them. And call T-Series T-Gay, T-Rash, T-Bad, T-oilet and T-Gei. That’s all I have to say. Subscribe to pewdiepie. I dont care what gender, race, religion, language, or age is, JUST SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE, IF YOU DONT HAVE AN ACCOUNT, MAKE ONE. Theres nothing stopping you. And if you already have an account, WELL MAKE MORE. That’s all I have to say to you, and if you dont subscribe to pewdiepie, just fucking die in a fire bro. No one needs you in this world.