So, my little brother has this double standard of sorts where he can be rude and inconsiderate to other people and destroy their stuff or physically hurt them and it’s all fine because he was doing it for fun but when other people do the exact same thing to him its considered bullying. We were playing minecraft with one of our friends and he was attacking me constantly and destroying my house and taking my stuff even though the world we were on was our friend and he said that my brother needed to stop or else he would be kicked out of our party. He didn’t. After an hour of rebuilding my house and having it destroyed I got fed up with him and left the party. He has this other way of annoying people by turning up his TV TV really loud and when anyone asks him to turn it down he turns it down but only by like one or two. I decided to annoy him in the exact same way by turning up my TV volume to 69 and playing waluigi noises. He came in and was screaming at me to turn it down, so I turned it down by two, after he yelled at me some more he got frustrated and went into the other room. I turned up the volume. He was trying everything he could to stop hearing waluigi but he couldn’t escape it. He eventually started crying and he still is. AITA in this situation?