hmm…? it appears… i see a female posterior? the part of their *corpus* that contains both the nasty vagina, which releases urine. salty, salty, toxic sweat. but as god delivers unto us both life and death, it also contains the mighty anus. which releases not one but two excreta! flatulence, with its sultry tunes and diverse flavours; and feces, a delicacy full of vitamins and the bare essentials of a woman!

oh how i long to take in the scent from jakuzure nonon’s anus! japanese women, in fact, have a richer anal scent. this is a result of their fish-y diets and their high rice intake. jakuzure seems to be a girl of small frame, with an immense metabolism, meaning the foods should be going out highly undigested! a typical sweet snack shall grace my olfactory receptors!

ah! the wonders of the female rear!