Ok. At first. This game was ok. Meh shoot a bunch of people, play with friends, have fun. You know? No harm done. But as you get really into the game, after about maybe 5 hours in. This unsettling atmosphere surrounds you and really dampens the mood of the game. It’s hard to describe, but imagine being covered in a pile of urine soaked bed sheets. Now you may be thinking, it can’t be that bad. But I assure you, it only gets worse. Around 7-10 hours in, the urine soaked bed sheets become heavy plates of lead that really choke the life out of you. As you battle to climb the ranking system, you win game after game after game after game. Despite your efforts, you are still stuck with the scrubs of silver 1. Now I’m not a pessimist, so let’s say you do, by some godly intervention, rank up to silver 2. The gods have blessed you; you are amazed at how they have answered your persistant efforts to rank up. Hour after hour, click after click as you struggle to defuse and clutch matches. You’d think that you are finnaly redeemed. A true CS GO player. Ready to depart from home, kiss your parents goodbye, and join Cloud 9 in the battle for the championship, earning millions as you do so. You decide to test your newly acquired skills the next day. Logging onto CS GO, itching to pound some CT scrubs. You are Silver II now, no one can smoke the smokes you smoke, no one can clutch the way you clutch, no one can ninja defuse the way YOU NINJA DEFUSE. You are invincible. (Mind you this is completely theoretical. This is not a self projection in any way. Yes I am in Silver 2, but this does not mean that I share the same thoughts as this theoretical “you” individual. It is merely speculation to make you understand what it is like to play this game.) In the beginning, everything is fine. The warmup is normal. You buy an AWP and scope down mid toward T side. pick up a few kills left and right. Then die unexpectedly from a stray terrorist by b doors. You chuckle and whisper, “O o o o o, you got me. Lucky you”, for you know that your silver 2 skills will not let you down. This is just warmup. Nothing big. The match starts. You instantly hear an explosion of sounds in your ears as your teammates scream, “MIC? ANYONE HAVE A MIC?” You calmly reply, “Of Course, an individual such as myself, being at such a level, would not be a true CS GO player if he didn’t have a mic.” It’s fine. They can scream in their mics. You have experienced such things before. In your SIlver 1 days. But you have moved on. You have evolved. You are better now. Your teammates all go A, expecting a long rush. You however, know better. Confidently, you go B. Waiting by the doors expecting flashbangs and decoy grenades to explode from the entrance of the tunnel as you quickly look away and headshot all 5 terrorists at once. You imagine your teammates, dancing around in pure joy, honored and proud to have such a godly teammate on their side. You are instantly killed. You do not know how. You do not know why. Your teammates laugh at you. You are kicked from the game. The hacker on the other team uninstalls your game and wipes your whole computer. You sit there staring at a black screen. Wondering where you went wrong. You did not go wrong, the game went wrong. And this my friends, is why CS GO is corrupt, toxic, absolutely filled scum. And keep in mind, this is only the thought process of an individual 10 hours in. We can really see a lasting impression on the individual’s life around 50 hours. As the lead plates that have suffocated you before, grow in size to the point where you cannot feel anything. You mindlessly go about, playing casual for a few matches. You try to get into the CS GO marketplace where you have heard many have earned millions. This of course doesn’t happen. You invest 10$ and you somehow lose 100. I understand this review was long. But you must understand. CSGO is not a game for individuals who like shooting things. It is a game, that takes you by the hand, and squeezes the life out of you. Nothing is as frustrating as failing to clutch a match when your team is up 15-14 and the opponent is lit 99. And that is why CSGO, is a bad game.