*speak the truth and get downvoted. Go fuck yourselves for pushing their agenda. Not ours.

This whole post pisses me off. Cambridge analytica changed their name 2 months after the scandal, if that.

After the name change and the popularity died off, the company went into administration so they can rebrand themselves.

Why the fuck, are people still sat here and completely willing to accept being bent over by these companies?

And why the fuck, would Facebook fall for your bullshit? Idiots! Cambridge analyticia is quite literally the crux in a very scary story that has just continued to do its bs along with 50 other companies all under new names nobody Fucking knows about. And all the peopppple want to do is try trick fucking Facebook? Really? Twice now and both times they should have been embarrassed for being so fucking stupid.

BUSINESS INSIDER – Doesn’t even know how fucking stupid they are. They’ve not tricked Facebook, they’ve tricked themselves.

CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA – Is not a fucking political workhorse, it’s a MASSIVE data collection tool and data influencing tool. Fucking massive. It’s not political, it’s literally everything and it will be being used on Reddit RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Probably by some shitty food company.

I’m dead serious when I say we should be terrified not only by how stupid we are as people, but how stupid our reporters are.

I would not be surprised if they’re being paid off to cover the biggest steaming pile of shit with a lil fog of ‘CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA DID THIS :O’ – Yano, the company that literally doesn’t exist anymore.

Ever seen the TV show Fringe? Imagine all of that but a data collection company based in the UK, the country that openly admits data collection on a year by year basis.

I’m sorry for the rant but holy shit we couldn’t be further from the truth if we actually tried. And we all stand together and hold hands over bullshit. Now all I’ve got to do is sit here and wait for massive influential botnets to invade this post and this comment.