Have you guys seen the new **Windows 11** build leak? I sure have and I have two problems with it. One, **the fucking logo sucks ass**. Two, it’s **Windows**. As an avid user of GNU/Linux, I feel personally attacked that **anyone** would use Windows over the **absolute Chad** operating system, GNU/Linux. Our logo **never** changes, ever. It’s been Tux from the beginning. **Microsoft** and **Apple** feel the need to update logos every single time they take a piss and it is abso-fucking-lutely annoying. This new logo they didn’t even get creative. They took a fucking blue square, put some thin lines in it, and boom, trash fucking logo. If you could describe it, it’s the old logo looking at you head on, who overdosed on crack, and passed out drunk. They didn’t even use the cooler start button logo. Seriously. This logo seriously is trash, it’s fucking garbage. Who the hell would like it.

*I need a trash can.*