Now to all those who don’t understand this EPIC and LIT joke, green, in this case is the color of equality \(a good thing\), and other colors are bad things. But, if you look closely, you see America doesn’t have the good color \(green in case you forgot\). This is important to note because it suggests the American flag doesn’t have equality. But if we take a moment to think about what the flag represents, \(america, duh\), we can start to understand that the joke means that America doesn’t represent the color green at all! But wait, if we go back to our original thought process, we begin to see that the color green means equality. So, using our new understanding we can see that the flag and colors means that USA doesn’t have equality, which is a good thing. BUT, also, because the american flag has the bad colors, red white and blue, which mean very bad values, we can assume America is very bad, due to this meme. This is very true and shows the true society we live in.

TRULY an Epic lit meme. OWNED, like and share 😂