It’s pointless. No high schooler can keep a secret to save their life. OP is a high schooler and at some point told someone, because the point of all this was validation and approval from his peers. I think it was Stakoski et al. in 1976 who did research at John Hopkins University into male hierarchical social conventions and showed that pretty much 90% of all actions by teen males were in furtherance of their social standing.

He told at least one friend, guaranteed. That one friend, in his own quest for validation and approval will tell someone else that he knows who did it. That other person is invariably a total Narc and will tell someone in administration because they lack an extensive social network of their own and thus the adults in administration are their only validation. This makes them a NARC. Hey Steve, you are a FUCKING NARC, Steve! You’ve always been jealous of me and I don’t even know why, but now it’s on mofo! I know what your car looks like and shits gonna go down you dick. Start preparing to go to a college with a good NARC program because from now on you will be known as Steve the NARC and your social life is through. Get that PhD in Narc, because that will be your career from now on!fucking Steve