I hate him so much…I’ve been trying to get my gold wheel, and I know I can do it…but then, always, in either the last track or track before last in the Prix, here comes Toad out of nowhere with 3 red shells or a mushroom. And it wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s totally unfair freakin’ luck hax for freakin’ Toad. This hasn’t just happened once or twice, I’ve been playing for hours and almost every single damn time, Toad wins at least one race. (I’ve gotten 3 stars after a while, but even then it’s always a close call with him…never anyone else…)

I hate him so much right now… I hate him so much, I’m thinking about playing as him just so I can’t possible lose to him….And I’d play with the sound off.

Hell, even if it was someone else that beat me, it wouldn’t be as bad…but it’s always Toad…Always…I hate him, and his voice, his aggravating high pitched voice as he passes me seconds before I do. Every time it happens, I want to slap a kitten.

I’m sorry…I just need to vent towards people who understand me…do you guys ever have obnoxious CPU challengers keeping them from their perfect 3 star victories? Please tell me I’m not the only one. :C

Ahem. tl:dr – Toad has major luck hax in my game for some reason, has this happened to anyone else?