i want to lick cinnamons feet so badly just thinking about it makes me ♥♥♥ thrice.
Id give anything to get a taste of these legs.
All day ive been thinking about it and it has become a important part of my life for me.
I dont care if i go to hell , damn even if i did it would still want a taste of these soft warm delicious neko feet.
Just imagine \*\*\*\*ing that purple goddess over and over again.
Lets hope that elon musk or whoever increases the developement of cat girls soon.
Who doesnt want their own catgirl harem ?
Just imagine have sex with about 8 of them at the same time and then ♥♥♥ all over them and instantly start over again while they purr and roll around indulging in your hot sticky juices.
In fact I believe the experience could create world peace.
I mean you have no time to kill or steal when you got yourselfs a dozen purring maidens to screw over and over again right ?
Just the thought of it makes one shiver and squeal in excitement.
And dont let me get started on Cinnamon , the vision of christ itself.
Her long purple hair and her giant bahoonka doonkas.
Why is this not a priority in human developement.
Give me my neko harem !!!!!!
All the evolutionary steps lead to this right here.
Hear me out when i tell that this is the future because i can only get so hard.
Thank you for creating this masterpiece of a genre.
Also gonna sew my ♥♥♥♥ back on now but it was worth it

This is what Jesus Christ would have wanted
<jesus loves all of you heroic men