Hey V-Sauce Michael here, did Persona 5 fans never played the game? Seriously. It’s a pretty easy question. You should be able to answer it. But how do you know they didn’t? How does anyone know anything?

 You might say, well, I played Persona 5, but these people are asking about palaces and momentos on the Steam forums of Persona 4 Golden. So in short they never truly played a Persona game. I played the games. Or, I watch the games and anime, and I can feel the emotional impact of the story. I’m right and they are wrong, right? But is it really the case? Most of the people asking on the forums are new fans from the series. Sure some fans of Persona say that Persona 5 was the first game they got into and they recently heard about P4G on Steam, or some people loved Joker in Smash and decided to educate themselves about what the Persona series is. Or have you heard of the Persona 5 anime? The anime adapts from the original games story line to a T, that way if fans couldn’t get their hands on a PS4 they know the characters and story from the anime. And that’s good.

 So once again, How do you know they never played the game?

 It’s a difficult question, but it’s not rocket science. Instead, this question that I just presented to you now, is a generalization that people on Twitter like to joke around. So let’s just say this ok? Imagine a series of a certain video game, let’s say Fate/Stay Night for this example, it garnered a ton of fans over night with a fandom being made in celebration of the series. And 4 months later, Billy Bob says that these fans never played the games. In actuality, the true people that are fans without playing the game is so minuscule it’s like an atom. That’s right we are talking about single digits. This generalization when used on the Tweet invalidates true fans of the series. These true fans played the games and watched all the anime. And when we enter Persona 5 into the mix, it is true.

 By saying that Persona 5 fans never played the game, it is a generalization that invalidates the fans that played, and watched Persona 5. Meaning the true fans of Persona 5 played the game and love it. These “fans” saying it, well they are gate keepers, not true fans of the series.

 That saying is like handing your best friend a Subway sandwich that you loved and he only took one little bite out of it, and you whipped out your pistol, shot him in the head and told him he wasn’t a true Subway fan, because Subway fans bite big.

 We won’t be able to ever answer every single question, but walking around in those questions, exploring them, is fun. It feels good. And as always, thanks for watching. Do you want more unanswered questions? Well, you’re in luck. Today, nine other amazing channels on YouTube have made videos about questions we still haven’t fully answered. Alltime10s has organized them and to watch them all click the annotation at the end of this video or the link at the top of the description. Enjoy.