That’s cool but you know what pisses me off? When you’re getting intimate with your woman (or man, whatever is floating your boat these days) and she says she wants to invite that kid over. I tell her “no we don’t want to seem like the creepy people” and she says you gotta do it or I’m leaving you for life. So I say fine and start waving at the kid just beyond the fence at the outskirts of our yard. He jumps over and runs over to me and I give him a big hug and start showing him around but he is moving slowly so I gotta usher him to the different areas I want him to see. Then the fucking neighbors start screaming n shit and I’m like FUCK what did I do? Do they think I’m doing some kinky shit? So they call the cops and I’m sitting there with the kid and my girl and they start shouting at me in Spanish or something because I have no idea wtf they’re saying. At this point I start to point to the kid and I’m like wtf do you want me to just let him go okay fine. But then I get a fucking bullet to the brain and I’m like “well fuck. RIP harambe.”