**Why** can’t we just have Sweet Victory? Why?
They t– They will not give us Sweet Victory even though we’ve been **ASKING FOR IT**
We **want** it! It would be the meme event of the– the **decade**
They obviously **hear** us
Why don’t they re**spond** t- uh to our **PREFERENCES**?

Sweet Victory is **the** breakout Spongebob song of the Spongebob franchise
It– It is **glorious**. It is **sweeping**. It is **powerful**. I– It’s a **GOOD SONG**
We wanna see it in **THE SU**– we wanna see it, uhh
Plankton, band geeks
Squilliam Fancyson
**Sweet victory** for the… **HALFTIME SHOW**

They go, “Oh, it’s unrealistic”
**IT’S NOT**
Back when Obama started, they gave us **Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers**
**They** used to be the **joke band**
There were st– **standards** of **MOVING FORWARD**
It’s not even tha– T– Tom Petty should get his own concerts

What happened to the **free market** where t-th– co– you– nn– the corporations are accountable to the **consumers**
You know? If, if
If they had Sweet Victory in the halftime-, people would line down the **block**
They try to uh– they, they’re– “O-Oh, oh, Maroone 5 is playing”
“NFL’s always a game-changer”
There’s **no precedent for that**
There’s a whole **roster** of bands who deserve it **MORE**
And the Bikini Bottom Marching Band’s at the **TOP**

We were **promised this**
If we can’t even get Sweet Victory, **what is there?**
It’s like we **don’t matter at all to them**
I’m starting to get the whole Spongebob-to-socialism pipeline… thing
If we can’t **EVEN** get this?
The economy sucks, even with– even when the stock market does well we earn less for more work **decade after decade** and wealth concentration is worse than it was in the **Gilded Age** & with our **SCRAPS** we have left, we can’t even see a **SPONGEBOB SONG?**

What if– W– What is it’s all BS?
W-What if our leaders value us at nothing?
We get **NOTHING**
Just more tax breaks for the top, more military spending
What if global US military presence doesn’t even **keep us safe**
What, like–
What, what if it’s j– What if all of it is just wrong?
What if there’s no reason to just always respect law enforcement just because?

We were promised th–
**We were promised this,** we get nothing
We were promised opportunity to work hard and succeed and democracy, even though all the popular programs, neither party offers them
And, we win the popular vote **it doesn’t matter**
We’re just supposed to settle for the Democrats but all they do is **lose SCOTUS seats** and **make deals**

What if it’s okay to make our elected leaders uncomfortable and protest?
Like at this point?
Who cares? They’re not giving us Sweet Victory anyway
The other guys are just calling them “Muslim Kenyans” and they still, the liberals just slink behind them and **Joe Donnelly eats shit in the midterms** and now Pelosi’s gonna **”reach across the aisle”** and **institute pay-go**

We **JUST** want Sw– like
**We just want Sweet Victory**
And, like we’re accepting the whole **planet** being destroyed
We can’t even enjoy the next **20 years** of a **habitable biosphere**
**having fun** like **watching Patrick** drum Sweet Victory with his **powerful arms?**