He’s had enough with this planet. All the pain, the suffering. He didn’t want to pay his taxes anymore. He didn’t want the electricity bill. He didn’t want to pay the water bill. He has been suffering in debt for the past 6 years. He lost so many friends in Vietnam. He lost even more in Afghanistan. The chicken cannot possibly bare the pain and sufffering that this sad, boring, unrewarding life will bring. After his mother and father passed away in the accident, he’s been struggling through depression. His therapist has had enough with the chicken’s sad stories and shot herself. After three months he started taking drugs. The hardcore kind. He nearly died of an overdose within the first 2 months and had to be rushed to the hospital. The chicken was then put into rehab for 3 years. At that point, he felt his existence was meaningless. He tried 5 times to kill himself until his friend decided to stop this. “Why are you doing this to yourself?” He asked. His friend then signed him up for a better therapist and after a few months, his depression was almost cured. He had a house, a spouse, and a pet mouse. But then, it happened. He was on his couch eating dorito chip when phone ring. His friend, the one from before said, “club penguin is kill”. The chicken was so grieved that the only word that came to his mouth was “no”. And that was it. That was his breaking point. He ran outside of the house, crying. He ran and ran until he did the unthinkable. He crossed the road. “NO” shouted his spouse and his mouse in harmony. The chicken didn’t listen. He kept running until he was hit my a speeding bus. The chicken was immediately paralyzed neck down. He was sent barreling into another car. He died on impact. At his funeral, his friend was shocked, knowing deep down it was his fault. Then, the chicken woke up from his dream. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day. He walked outside and saw the road. He realized he needed groceries. He then debated whether it was worth it. After experiencing that dream he questioned why he should cross the road. Now, the reason you are here. Why did he cross the road? Well, the answer is simple. He wanted to get to the other side.