Sexual fetishes have little relevance to intellect except for an intellectual fetish. A man or woman no matter how smart or dumb can be into cuckoldry and feel some sort of gratification from it. Trying to demean those who despise the fetish accomplishes nothing and if you were as smart as you claim you are you’d know that unless you are simply seeking to troll. Humiliation is a negative emotion which is known by its definition. The fact that you feel some sort of positive emotion and sexual gratification from it is a sign of mental deficiency since it goes against the norm. Going against the norm is not a sign of higher cognitive function.

The other the reason I assume this is a troll is that is that it is well known that there is a huge spread in in the IQ of African males with the average being the lowest of all humans. Either your IQ is not nearly as high as you think or it took you a long while to find your “Bull”.

Of all the fetishes a person could have ended up with, you got one of the worst, but it is funny that you have to be more superior in your most fragile area.