For longer than anyone can remember, the townspeople have performed a ritualistic sacrifice every month to appease Her. They would bring her the finest wine they could get.

Should they fail to appease her, she may bring about the end of the world as we know it.

Thankfully, the sacrifices seemed to be enough to appease her. But that soon changed. The wine was not enough.

She wanted blood.

The townspeople tried sacrificing their cattle, but she refused the offerings. They even went as far as to offer themselves to her, but that was not what She desired.

She started to grow impatient with the townspeople.

But then, just as they began to lose hope, they felt something calling from deep within the abyss of their hearts. It was her. They began to understand what it was that she desired.

It was not just any blood she desired, she needed dogs.

She demanded purebred French Bulldogs. They began to breed French Bulldogs, purely to sacrifice them. And so, she was finally appeased.

However, nobody is sure how long this satisfaction will last. It may just be a matter of time until She demands something more.
